The Internationald Council of Holistic Education and Learning provides a directory for degree-granting and non-degree-granting organizations and institutions accredited by United States accrediting organizations for Holistic Education Programs that have been recognized by ICHEL. Institutions herein may, or may not be listed among similar regional and national academic accrediting agencies.
The term “recognized” indicates that the accreditors in this database have been reviewed by ICHEL and satisfy the quality standards of this organization. It is the mission of ICHEL to recognize, promote and enhance holistic and regenerative standards and ongoing quality improvement in courses, programs, degrees and practices. ICHEL recognition is based on five standards that may be found in the ICHEL Recognition Policy and Procedures.
The descision to seek accreditation through ICHEL strictly lies with the accreditors. ICHEL-Recognized organizations must meet CHEA eligibility standards.